Personal Injury Surveillance

Personal Injury Surveillance

It is profoundly paradoxical that insurers, solicitors and other professionals subject to stringent regulatory regimes, routinely engage the services of unlicensed private investigators without the compulsory requirement to undertake due diligence enquiries into their criminal record history, competency or character. PERSONAL INJURY SURVEILLANCE is a unique guide, providing insight into the hitherto undisclosed methodologies of personal injury surveillance.

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Personal Injury Surveillance – The Definitive Guide


Expert Sam Greer examines the insurance industry’s use of surveillance in personal injury claims.

Personal injury insurance fraud is endemic. Often the default position of the besieged insurance industry, and its investigative supply chain, is not to view claimants as accident victims, but rather, potential fraudsters. Genuine personal injury claimants have a fundamental entitlement to fair treatment and justice. So too, insurers.

Personal Injury Surveillance is a unique guide, providing an insight into the hitherto undisclosed methodologies of personal injury surveillance and the systemic use of an unregulated profession to investigate accident victims. Surveillance is one of many tools used by the UK insurance industry to investigate the veracity of a personal injury claim; others include statistical analysis of claims data and complex algorithms with key fraud indicators, enabling insurers to get upstream of the issue and, in some cases, actually predict fraud before it occurs. However, there is nothing more compelling than surveillance evidence which is why it remains a fundamental element of the claims management process.

Release date: 28th February 2019
ISBN: 978 1789015 522
Price: £24.99 Excluding P&P

Working with the Law Society of England and Wales. Approved supplier by the Law Society of Scotland. Approved trade association by the DVLA.

Approved Services: The Provision of Investigative Services.
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VECAS® The UK’s only BS 102000-compliant video evidence credibility analysis service.