SPECIALISED achieves successful certification to the revised version of BS 102000
10th Mar 2019
What is the significance of BS 102000?
“It is vital we have proper regulation of private investigators to ensure rigorous standards in this sector and the respect of individual’s rights to privacy”
(Theresa May, 2013)
In the absence of mandatory regulation, reputable investigative companies will demonstrate compliance and promote best practice by choosing voluntary certification, by UKAS-accredited bodies, to sector-specific standards. British Standard 102000 is the Standard in the private investigation profession.
The private investigation industry is no different to any other profession; unscrupulous investigators exist. The facts are sobering:
- There is no legal requirement for private investigators to take any competence-based qualification.
- The absence of mandatory licensing means Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks, formerly known as Criminal Record Bureau checks, are not required to work as a private investigator.
- A Freedom of Information request submitted to the Information Commissioner’s Office by Specialised Investigation Services Ltd revealed that during the period 2014-17 a total of 7 private investigators were convicted of breaches of data protection legislation.
The smart companies recognise the best way to predict the future of the private investigation profession is to help shape it. Specialised sits at the vanguard of best investigative practice and asks only one thing of its clients in return; that we are judged not merely on our results, but also how we have achieved them.
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